Про компанію


Мельник Андрій Ігорович

Кількість працівників:

2 чол.

Дата оновлення профілю:



Юридична адреса:  90202, Закарпатська обл., м. Берегове, просп. Геологів, 10

Телефони:  (095) 2059045

E-mail:   info@avellanagold.com

Web-сайт:   http://avellanagold.com/


Продукція, послуги

Avellana Gold Company (“Avellana” or the “Company”) is a mineral exploration and development company dedicated to the acquisition, exploration, and development of mineral resources, primarily in Ukraine and the surrounding countries of eastern Europe.

- Gold mining projects in Ukraine
- Exploration of gold deposits in Beregovo region
- Development of mining operations in Kvasovo
- Silver and zinc mining ventures in Muzhievo
- Financial consulting for mining companies
- Lead ore extraction and processing
- Investment opportunities in gold mining
- Sustainable mining practices in Ukraine
- Geological surveys for gold reserves
- Silver processing facilities in eastern Europe
- Development of zinc mines in Ukraine
- Partnership with local communities for mining projects
- Environmental impact assessments for mining activities
- Silver and gold refining services
- Lead and zinc exportation from Ukraine
- Procurement of mining equipment and machinery
- Ore transport logistics solutions
- Strategic planning for mineral exploration
- Market analysis for gold and silver prices
- Research and development in mining technologies

Рекламна інформація

Avellana Gold Company (“Avellana” or the “Company”) is a prominent mineral exploration and development enterprise focused on identifying and developing valuable mineral resources, predominantly in Ukraine and the neighboring countries of eastern Europe. The company’s core activities revolve around gold mining and exploration, with a strategic emphasis on regions like Beregovo, Kvasovo, and Muzhievo, known for their rich mineral deposits.

Embracing a vision of sustainable resource development, Avellana Gold is committed to the responsible extraction and utilization of precious metals such as gold, silver, lead, and zinc. Through innovative exploration techniques and state-of-the-art mining practices, the company aims to unlock the full potential of these mineral resources while adhering to the highest environmental and social standards.

Avellana Gold’s operations are not limited to mining alone; the company also actively engages in the financial aspect of the industry. By investing in cutting-edge technologies and maintaining a strong financial foundation, Avellana Gold ensures the efficient and profitable extraction of ores, contributing to the economic development of the regions where they operate.

With a dedicated team of experts and a proven track record in mineral exploration, Avellana Gold stands at the forefront of the mining industry in Ukraine. The company’s unwavering commitment to excellence, coupled with a deep respect for the local communities and environment, sets them apart as a leader in the field.

As Avellana Gold continues to expand its portfolio and explore new opportunities for growth, their mission remains clear: to harness the potential of Ukraine’s rich mineral resources to create sustainable value for all stakeholders involved. By combining expertise, innovation, and a strong ethical framework, Avellana Gold paves the way for a prosperous future in the mining sector of eastern Europe.

Ключові слова

Avellana Gold, видобуток, Україна, Берегово, Квасово, Мужієво, фінанси, цинк, срібло, свинець, руди

Види діяльності

07.29 — Добування руд інших кольорових металів

09.90 — Надання допоміжних послуг у сфері добування інших корисних копалин та розроблення кар’єрів

71.12 — Діяльність у сфері інжинірингу, геології та геодезії, надання послуг технічного консультування в цих сферах
